Engaging your senses

Taryn De Vere
1 min readApr 13, 2022

Our senses are perfect joy-receptors. Today’s little joy practice is to seek out a plant or a flower and spend a minute or two smelling it. Notice the freshness and how delicate the smell is. Try and imprint this little moment of connection between you and nature.

Nature is an underrated sense of joy. Our noses can get so used to manufactured scents that we can forget the simple joy of smelling a leaf or a flower. As children, we were naturally curious about the world, and unafraid to give things a sniff, so bring a bit of that curious energy with you today!

I hope you have a wonderful, joy-filled day xx

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Taryn De Vere

Joy bringer, journalist, artist, genderqueer, autistic, mother of 5, colourful fashionista